What Is Chandrashtamam?

Charlotte Miller

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Are you curious to know what is code chandrashtamam? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about code chandrashtamam in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is code chandrashtamam?

What Is Chandrashtamam?

In the rich tapestry of Hindu astrology, the moon, or Chandra, holds profound significance. Chandrashtamam, a term derived from Sanskrit, refers to the eighth day of the lunar month, considered particularly important in lunar astrology. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Chandrashtamam, its astrological significance, and the practices associated with this day in Hindu culture.

The Lunar Influence In Hindu Astrology:

In Hindu astrology, the moon is revered as a celestial body with potent influences on human emotions, behavior, and destiny. The lunar calendar, or Tithi, is a vital component of Hindu astrology, guiding various aspects of life, including auspicious timings for ceremonies, rituals, and activities.

Chandrashtamam: The Eighth Lunar Day:

Chandrashtamam specifically refers to the eighth day of the lunar month, taking into account the waxing or waning phases of the moon. This day is believed to carry unique astrological implications, and certain precautions and practices are observed during this period.

Astrological Significance:

  1. Challenges and Caution: Chandrashtamam is traditionally considered a period associated with challenges and potential obstacles. Astrologers often caution individuals to exercise prudence in their actions during this time to avoid adverse outcomes.
  2. Avoiding Major Initiatives: It is believed that initiating significant ventures, starting new projects, or entering into important agreements during Chandrashtamam may not yield favorable results. Many prefer to postpone such endeavors to more astrologically auspicious times.
  3. Spiritual Observances: On Chandrashtamam, individuals often engage in spiritual practices, prayers, and rituals to seek divine blessings and protection from negative influences. This may involve visits to temples or performing specific ceremonies at home.

Practices And Precautions:

  1. Temple Visits: Devotees often visit temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, seeking his blessings for protection and guidance during the challenging period of Chandrashtamam. Lord Shiva is considered a powerful deity associated with overcoming obstacles.
  2. Prayers and Mantras: Reciting specific prayers and mantras dedicated to the moon or Lord Shiva is a common practice during Chandrashtamam. These chants are believed to invoke positive energies and counteract any negative influences.
  3. Avoiding Risky Ventures: As a precautionary measure, individuals may choose to avoid activities perceived as risky or potentially challenging during Chandrashtamam. This includes refraining from financial transactions, major decisions, or journeys.
  4. Maintaining a Calm Mindset: Chandrashtamam is seen as a time when emotions and stress levels may be heightened. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in calming activities is recommended to maintain a balanced and composed mindset.

Regional Variations And Beliefs:

It’s important to note that beliefs and practices associated with Chandrashtamam can vary among different regions and communities within the vast tapestry of Hindu culture. While some may strictly adhere to the precautions and rituals, others may view Chandrashtamam with less significance.


Chandrashtamam serves as a fascinating intersection of astrology, spirituality, and cultural practices in Hindu traditions. Whether observed as a period of caution or embraced as an opportunity for spiritual reflection, the eighth lunar day invites individuals to connect with the cosmic energies and navigate their lives with a blend of reverence and mindfulness. As with many astrological beliefs, interpretations of Chandrashtamam may vary, but its presence in the cultural fabric highlights the intricate interplay between celestial influences and human existence.


Is Chandrashtama Good Or Bad?

Moon takes two and a half days to move from one moon sign to the next and hence, this period is known as Chandrashtama for the particular moon sign natives. Chandrashtama days are generally considered inauspicious to commence any activity.

What Are The Effects Of Chandrashtama?

Chandrashtama is, when the transit Moon goes to 8th house from its natal position, it causes serious problems like ill-health, misery, delusion, anxiety, depression, fear from an unknown source, a general disability to exhibit one’s true potential in all activities of life, etc.

What Should We Avoid On Chandrashtama Days?

Though Chandrashtama period should be avoided for any auspicious undertakings, things that need a tough handling like court case, disputes, waging wars, dismissing subordinates, dispersing punishments/ memos/ warnings, deploying missiles, learning advanced incantations of the fierce type, etc.

What Is Chandrashtama Nakshatra?

Chandrashtama is the lunar transit, or the Chandra Gochar, to the eighth house from one’s Moon sign in their natal chart. Today’s chandrashtama is in Simha with nakshatras Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati.

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