What Is Garnishee Order?

Juliet D'cruz

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What Is Garnishee Order

Are you curious to know what is garnishee order? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about garnishee order in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is garnishee order?

A garnishee order is a legal tool that allows a creditor to recover money owed to them by seizing funds from a debtor’s bank account or garnishing their wages. It is typically used when a debtor fails to satisfy a debt, and the creditor seeks to enforce payment through a court-ordered intervention. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of garnishee orders, their purpose, the process involved, and the potential implications for debtors and creditors.

What Is Garnishee Order?

A garnishee order is a court-issued directive that instructs a third party, often a bank or an employer, to withhold a specific amount of money from a debtor’s account or wages. The withheld funds are then transferred to the creditor to satisfy the debt owed. This legal mechanism is designed to provide recourse to creditors when other methods of debt recovery have been unsuccessful.

Purpose Of Garnishee Orders:

  1. Debt Recovery: The primary purpose of a garnishee order is to facilitate the recovery of unpaid debts. It enables creditors to access the debtor’s financial resources directly, bypassing the need for further negotiations or collection efforts.
  2. Enforcement of Court Judgments: Garnishee orders are commonly used to enforce court judgments. If a court has ruled in favor of a creditor and ordered the debtor to pay a specific amount, a garnishee order can be sought to ensure compliance with the judgment.

Process Of Obtaining A Garnishee Order:

  1. Filing a Claim: The creditor initiates the process by filing a claim with the relevant court, outlining the details of the debt owed and the reasons for seeking a garnishee order.
  2. Court Assessment: The court reviews the claim and assesses its validity. If satisfied, the court may grant a garnishee order, specifying the amount to be withheld from the debtor’s account or wages.
  3. Notifying the Garnishee: Once the order is granted, the creditor serves notice to the garnishee (bank or employer) informing them of the obligation to withhold funds from the debtor’s account or wages.
  4. Execution: The garnishee complies with the court order by withholding the specified amount and transferring it to the creditor. The process may involve regular deductions until the debt is fully satisfied.

Implications For Debtors And Creditors:

  1. Debtors: Garnishee orders can have significant financial implications for debtors. The withheld funds can impact their ability to meet daily expenses and financial obligations. Debtors should be aware of their rights and seek legal advice to understand the options available to them in such situations.
  2. Creditors: Garnishee orders provide a legal avenue for creditors to recover unpaid debts. It offers a level of assurance that funds will be obtained directly from the debtor’s assets or income. However, it is essential for creditors to comply with legal requirements and follow due process to avoid potential legal consequences.

Considerations And Limitations:

  1. Legal Requirements: Garnishee orders are subject to legal requirements and restrictions. The process must adhere to specific procedures outlined by the relevant jurisdiction, ensuring the rights of both debtors and creditors are protected.
  2. Proportional and Reasonable: Courts typically consider the debtor’s financial situation and the amount owed when granting a garnishee order. The order should be proportionate and reasonable, taking into account the debtor’s ability to meet their basic needs.
  3. Debt Resolution Alternatives: Garnishee orders are not always the most suitable or effective method of debt recovery. Alternative options, such as negotiation, debt repayment plans, or mediation, may be explored to reach a mutually agreeable solution between debtors and creditors.


Garnishee orders serveas a legal mechanism to enforce debt repayment and provide recourse to creditors when other methods have been unsuccessful. While they can be an effective tool for debt recovery, they also have significant implications for debtors, potentially impacting their financial well-being. It is crucial for creditors to follow legal procedures and for debtors to understand their rights and seek appropriate advice when facing garnishee orders. Striking a balance between debt recovery and protecting the rights and well-being of debtors is essential in maintaining a fair and just legal system.


What Is A Garnishee Order In Simple Terms?

Garnishee Order is an order passed by an executing court directing or ordering a garnishee not to pay money to judgment debtor since the latter is indebted to the garnisher (decree holder). It is an Order of the court to attach money or Goods belonging to the judgment debtor in the hands of a third person.

What Is Garnishee Order With Example?

Suppose A owes Rs. 1000 to B and B owes Rs. 1000 to C. by a garnishee order the court may require A not pay money owed to him to B, but instead to Pay C, since B owes the said amount to C, who has obtained the order.

What Is Called Garnishee?

: a third party holding garnished property or money of a debtor.

What Are The 2 Types Of Garnishee Order?

  • Two types of orders:
  • Order Nisi and Order Absolute.
  • Order Nisi – bank recovers its over dues if any from the judgement debtor’s account and informs the balance in the account to the court.
  • Also informs the judgement debtor ie its customer.


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